Life is closer than you think
We'd love to help more people find life with Jesus.
We run various events as a church for us to enjoy life together and also find out more about life with Jesus in a relaxed and informal way.

Film Night: The Case for Christ
Saturday 12th March, 7:30pm @ St. James's

After Lee Strobel’s wife becomes a Christian, this investigative journalist sets out to discover the truth of the resurrection of Jesus. Based on the compelling true story.
Rated PG
@ St. James’s Church
Doors open: 7.00pm
Film Starts: 7:30pm
Bring your own snacks.
Due to limited capacity you can Book Here
If we are oversubscribed, we will try to run a second showing
Men's Breakfast
Saturday 19th March, 8:30am @ The Old Barracks, Puckpool

Join other men at The Old Barracks, Puckpool for a breakfast and a short talk about life in Jesus.
Cost = £8 per person, payable on the door.
To book, contact Jono at the church office:
566381, office@stjamesryde.com
Quiz @ Costa, Ryde
Thursday 24th March, 7:30pm

Bring a team to our quiz in Costa. During the evening there will be a short talk about Life in Jesus.
Doors open: 7.00pm
Quiz Starts: 7:30pm
Buy your own drinks.
Team size: Ideal 4, Max 6.
To book in your team, contact Jono at the church office: 566381, office@stjamesryde.com
Spring Walk & Coffee
Thursday 31st March, 10:30am

Come with friends, neighbours and people from St. James’s Church to enjoy a spring walk.
Meet outside Ryde bowling alley (Pavilion) at 10:30am. Walk to The Old Barracks and back, with a stop to buy coffee if you like!
Walk at your own pace.
The Mark Drama
Saturday 2nd April, 7:30pm @ Ryde Academy
Sunday 3rd April, 4:30pm @ Ryde Methodist Church

Experience the whole of Mark’s gospel account of Jesus as theatre in the round.
Performances last approximately 90 minutes.
Suitable for those over 8 years of age.
Click here to come and watch
Family Film Night: Jonah
Friday 8th April, 6:45pm

Come and watch the high quality film of the Sight and Sound production of the Bible story of Jonah. Fun for all the family.
@ St. James’s Church
Doors open 6:30pm
Film starts 6:45pm
Bring your own snacks and drinks
Real Life Evening
Wednesday 13th April, 7:30pm

Come and join us at St. James’s Church for an evening of music, sharing real life stories and a Bible talk on the real life that Jesus brings.
Refreshments available.
Egg-citing Easter Trail
Saturday 16th April, 2-4pm

A family fun event for Easter Saturday.
See specific fliers for more details.