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Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. 

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!


As a church we understand that children and young adults are just as important as adults. We are truly blessed to have a number of children from the ages of  0 -18. We believe that it is our role to compliment the work of their parents in teaching them the truths that are found within God's word and encouraging them to grow up in to faithful and firm disciples of Jesus.


We run various groups, both on Sunday and mid-week to cover the whole spectrum of ages. Below you can find out a little more about each of these groups and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.


During our Sunday Services, adults and children all begin our worship together in the main church. After a time of worshipping together, children and young people go for their age-appropriate groups, while the adults remain for their own Bible teaching and prayer

Sunday Tots

Birth - Pre-School

Sunday Morning

Sunday Tots meets in our well-stocked creche room for play, singing, some simple Bible teaching with an activity. Parents are welcome to leave their children in the care of our leaders and head back into the main service, or stay in the creche with their young ones if they'd prefer.


At St James's we also have a toilet fitted with changing facilities.

Sunday Kids

Reception - Year 6

Sunday Morning

Sunday Kids meets in our Upper Hall for Bible Teaching, prayer, games and activities.


We have a great team of volunteers who try to make this time fun and beneficial to each of the children who attend. 

Sunday Youth

Year 7 - Year 13

Sunday Morning

The high-school aged young people head into their own room for time of Bible discussion, prayer and fellowship together, led by our volunteers.

Friday Night Youth



Year 7 - Year 13

We run occasional youth events on a Friday night, and love to welcome new people. To find out what's coming up, please get in touch with the church office.

Birth - Pre-School

Tuesday 10am

Every Tuesday we run a parent and child group that draws in people from all around Ryde and the neighbouring areas.


We enjoy time getting to know each other while allowing the little ones to run around and play together. We also take the opportunity to sing as a group and if it's sunny, may be found by the beach.

Reception - Y6

Sunday Afternoons 

Sessions are fairly regular but the best way to find out what's going on is to stay in touch via Facebook or Instagram.


All are welcome - come along and see what we get up to.


St. James’s Church, Ryde is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone without our church community.

In all these principles we will follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or is at risk, do not hesitate to contact our safeguarding leads listed below for advice and support.


As Christians we are called to recognise and respect the individuality and dignity of all people. We have a special responsibility to safeguard both the children and young people entrusted to our care, and the vulnerable adults who are part of our church community. Our work with children, young people and adults takes many forms and it is the responsibility of each of us to prevent abuse in all forms: physical, emotional, sexual or neglect, and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect. We will work with all individuals regardless of race, disability, gender, culture or creed and ensure that we are constantly mindful of their welfare.


Our safeguarding policies and procedures are based on those from the safeguarding agency "Christian Safeguarding Services". Details can be found here:


Contact: any questions, allegations or suspicions must be directed immediately to the St. James’s Church Safeguarding Leads: Matt, Mandy or Peter


​Link to Safeguarding Policy & Procedure

Link to AMiE Safeguarding requirements and incident reporting

​Link to Complaints Procedure

Link to Anti Harassment and Bullying Policy 

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